Welcome to NetExplorer
The trusted online file-sharing solution
Easily share your documents with whoever you want, with no size limits. With the NetExplorer cloud solution, you stay in control of your data, whatever the circumstances!
Why choose NetExplorer for online file sharing?
By email or via a simple link, sharing your files has never been so simple, efficient and secure. There's no training required to get to grips with the solution, and sharing is just a click away.
Teams in France to support you. Behind the sovereign NetExplorer technology are experts at your side, dedicated to managing your data in the cloud.
Our storage solution is designed at every level to guarantee the security of your data. It enables you to store files of unlimited size, with full confidentiality and traceability.
No size limit
Say goodbye to internal and external size limits! Share files of any size easily and securely. Unleash your online collaboration without restriction.
How does file storage with NetExplorer work?
With NetExplorer, secure file sharing has never been easier! By email or via a simple link, our solution lets you share all kinds of data (videos, photos, folders, presentations, spreadsheets, text documents...) with your colleagues or customers, whether they have a user account or not.
NetExplorer lets you send documents with no format or size limits to your partners or customers, directly from your Microsoft Outlook mailbox or during a Teams session.
To secure your data sharing, simply define options for your correspondents: sharing expiry date, password or SMS code protection, user editor, commentator or administrator... So many options to meet all your confidentiality and security needs.
Sharing data with NetExplorer also means total control and traceability! You remain in full control of your data: who downloaded the document, when, from where, what modifications were made...
NetExplorer, more than just a storage solution
Dive into the heart of our cloud solution dedicated to demanding professionals. NetExplorer isn't just a storage platform; it's a complete collaborative space where every file is treated with the utmost confidentiality. Benefit from sharing tools, real-time co-editing, rigorous access controls and electronic signatures, all in a certified sovereign environment.
While others offer simple storage, we offer peace of mind.
Unrivalled security for DPOs and IT teams
In a digital world where data protection is paramount, NetExplorer sets itself apart by offering uncompromising security. Every file stored and shared is protected by our advanced security protocols. To reinforce our commitment to data sovereignty and protection, we operate our own data centers in Paris. Managing data storage ourselves guarantees total control of the security chain, from certifications to day-to-day operations. With NetExplorer, give your business the peace of mind it deserves.
The most certified sovereign cloud solution on the market
SecNumCloud qualification in progress
Try NetExplorer free for 14 days!
Register now and benefit from all NetExplorer features during your trial period!
Unlimited access to all features: Immerse yourself in the whole of NetExplorer and see for yourself how our platform will revolutionize the way you work.
14 days of complete experience: Take advantage of two full weeks to explore and master every aspect of our solution.
Free of charge:
It's totally free! Access our entire SaaS tool without taking out your credit card.