Welcome to NetExplorer

Choose a certified Health Data Hosting (HDS) solution

Rely on security for your patients' sensitive data! NetExplorer has developed a file storage and sharing solution that is HDS-certified (Hébergement de Données de Santé) and listed with UGAP, CAIH and RESAH.

Why choose NetExplorer as your Healthcare Data Hosting (HDS) solution?

Secure your healthcare data

Guarantee a very high level of security for your organization and concrete measures for managing your healthcare data with HDS certification.

Drastically reduce costs

Control your capital expenditure with no upfront costs for physical servers and other inefficient infrastructures.

Guaranteed, flawless protection

NetExplorer offers you the most advanced guarantees in terms of healthcare data protection, thanks to its compliance with the HDS accreditation standard.

Efficient, secure collaboration

Share medical files and records in a totally confidential, secure and regulatory-compliant way.

How does file storage with NetExplorer work?

By choosing our HDS-certified healthcare data hosting solution, you can be sure that your sensitive data is handled securely and in compliance with current regulations. 

We are committed to protecting the confidentiality and integrity of your healthcare information, allowing you to focus on providing quality care.

HDS certification

Our hosting solution is certified HDS (Hébergeur de Données de Santé), a security standard specific to the healthcare sector. This certification guarantees that we comply with strict requirements in terms of confidentiality, security and protection of healthcare data.

Secure infrastructure

Your healthcare data is hosted on our highly secure infrastructure. We use advanced security measures, such as data encryption and controlled access, to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of your sensitive information.

Regulatory compliance

HDS (Hébergement de Données de Santé) is an important certification in France for guaranteeing the security of healthcare data. It is issued for a period of 3 years, with audits every 12 months. The solution is therefore subject to regular assessments, confirming that the security levels required to maintain certification have been met.

Access & authorization

We implement strict access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized people can access health data. We also manage authorizations on a granular basis, allowing you to define personalized access levels for each user.

NetExplorer, more than just a storage solution

Dive into the heart of our cloud solution dedicated to demanding professionals. NetExplorer isn't just a storage platform; it's a complete collaborative space where every file is treated with the utmost confidentiality. Benefit from sharing tools, real-time co-editing, rigorous access controls and electronic signatures, all in a certified sovereign environment. 


While others offer simple storage, we offer peace of mind.

Unrivalled security for DPOs and IT teams

In a digital world where data protection is paramount, NetExplorer sets itself apart by offering uncompromising security. Every file stored and shared is protected by our advanced security protocols. To reinforce our commitment to data sovereignty and protection, we operate our own data centers in Paris. Managing data storage ourselves guarantees total control of the security chain, from certifications to day-to-day operations. With NetExplorer, give your business the peace of mind it deserves.

The most certified sovereign cloud solution on the market

SecNumCloud qualification in progress

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14 days of complete experience: Take advantage of two full weeks to explore and master every aspect of our solution.

Free of charge: It's totally free! Access our entire SaaS tool without taking out your credit card.


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