Welcome to NetExplorer

The trusted online file storage solution

Store without constraints of format or file size. Every document, from a simple spreadsheet to a large video project, finds its place in our highly secure environment. 

Why choose NetExplorer for online file storage?

Storage & backups

The NetExplorer solution automatically backs up each version of documents and files in real time. So you don't have to do a thing. Your work flows smoothly.


Teams in France to support you. Behind the sovereign NetExplorer technology are experts at your side, dedicated to managing your data in the cloud.


Our storage solution is designed at every level to guarantee the security of your data. It enables you to store files of unlimited size, with full confidentiality and traceability.

Unlimited access

Our web interface gives you permanent access to all your data. If there's no network, you can work directly locally, with instant synchronization once the network is available.

How does file storage with NetExplorer work?

With NetExplorer's online storage, you have a secure, straightforward, no-holds-barred solution for managing and protecting your corporate files. 

Say goodbye to local storage worries and opt for our turnkey cloud solution today. 

Contact us to find out more about how we can meet your online storage needs.

Simple file storage

Our cloud platform makes storing your files online simple and intuitive. You can download, organize and access your files from any Internet-connected device, giving you total flexibility to work wherever you are. Your data is backed up automatically, as are the different versions of your files and documents.

Automatic backup

Your files are precious, which is why we've set up an automatic backup system. Every modification or deletion is recorded, enabling you to recover earlier versions of your files if necessary. So you can work with complete peace of mind, knowing that your data is protected and recoverable in the event of error or accidental loss.

Advanced security & localization in France

We understand the importance of data security for your business. That's why we store your files on servers located in France, benefiting from European data protection legislation. What's more, our cloud infrastructure is designed with advanced security measures to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of your files.

Recovering files after purging the Recycle Bin

We understand the importance of data security for your business. That's why we store your files on servers located in France, benefiting from European data protection legislation. What's more, our cloud infrastructure is designed with advanced security measures to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of your files.

NetExplorer, more than just a storage solution

Dive into the heart of our cloud solution dedicated to demanding professionals. NetExplorer isn't just a storage platform; it's a complete collaborative space where every file is treated with the utmost confidentiality. Benefit from sharing tools, real-time co-editing, rigorous access controls and electronic signatures, all in a certified sovereign environment. 


While others offer simple storage, we offer peace of mind.

Unrivalled security for DPOs and IT teams

In a digital world where data protection is paramount, NetExplorer sets itself apart by offering uncompromising security. Every file stored and shared is protected by our advanced security protocols. To reinforce our commitment to data sovereignty and protection, we operate our own data centers in Paris. Managing data storage ourselves guarantees total control of the security chain, from certifications to day-to-day operations. With NetExplorer, give your business the peace of mind it deserves.

The most certified sovereign cloud solution on the market

SecNumCloud qualification in progress

Try NetExplorer free for 14 days!

Register now and benefit from all NetExplorer features during your trial period!

Unlimited access to all features: Immerse yourself in the whole of NetExplorer and see for yourself how our platform will revolutionize the way you work.

14 days of complete experience: Take advantage of two full weeks to explore and master every aspect of our solution.

Free of charge: It's totally free! Access our entire SaaS tool without taking out your credit card.


Contains at least 10 characters

Contains at least 1 lowercase letter

Contains at least 1 capital letter

Contains at least 1 digit

Need a demonstration of the NetExplorer solution?

Over 1,500 organizations use NetExplorer to store and secure their files

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